Data Analysis overview

Getting Started

Set up R and python environment

We are using R to gather the census geographies using the tidycensus library. All the packages needed for this are manged using the pacman library. To set-up the R environment, install R and use:


The python environment for this can be built using pipenv

If you already have Python and pip, you can easily install Pipenv into your home directory:

pip install --user pipenv

Install the libraries needed for this project and start the virtual environment by running

pipenv install
pipenv shell

Data Pipeline


Our data pipeline uses a config file to make it easy to adapt our app to other cities and get the pipeline running locally on your own machine. This config file, src/config.json, is currently set up such that the data pipeline will retrieve, process, and featurize the needed datasets for New York City and Hampton Roads, Virginia. The config file contains:

Running the pipeline

Our data processing pipeline proceeds in three steps, each with a corresponding python script.

  1. Get raw data (data/ - For the specified city, downloads Census geographies, state-level LODES data, national point-of-interest data, the OSM street network, and the GTFS feed files. __NOTE__: A few of the required datasets lack a direct download link and need to be added manually to the file structure after this step is run. The First Street Climate-Adjusted Flood Risk and the CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index should be placed in the /national directory created by the get_raw_data script.
  2. Process data (process/ - Processes GTFS feed files into a single stops file and calculates 15-minute walksheds around each stop. Also calculates 10 and 20 minute walksheds around each hospital within the selected city.
  3. Generate features (features/ - Uses raw and processed data sources to caclulate flood risk, hospital access, job access, and worker vulnerability. Outputs the resulting stop-level file.

These scripts are run on a per-city basis from the analysis folder. For instance, the data download script is run for New York City like this:

python3 -m  src/data/process_data --config src/config.json --city nyc

With the config.json file configured, the full pipeline can be run for all cities by running:

python3 src/ --config src/config.json --city all

This script will sequntially run the pipeline for each city in the config file and concatenates the resulting stop-level files into a single multi-city geojson file (stop_features.geojson), along with a file containing the hospitals located in each city (hospitals.geojson) in the root directory defined in the config.

__NOTE__: Some of the steps in the pipeline are computationally expensive. Particularly, creating the walkgraph for NYC from OSM data and calculating the number of jobs around each transit stop in NYC consumes a lot of memory and can be time intensive.

Feature Methodology

All data other than floodplain polygons and hospital locations were processed into a stop level file stop_features.geojson. We describe the methods we used to create this file below.

Note: Flood risk at Transit stops within a city are relative to other locations within that city. For example: While overall flood risk is higher in New Orleans compared to New York City, there are transit locations categorized a “Low” flood risk in New Orleans as they have lower chance of flooding compared to other areas of New Orleans.

Project Organization

Directory Structure:

├──                       <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── src                             <- Source code for use in this project
│   ├──             <- Data pipeline script that calls functions from each step
│   │
│   ├── config.json                 <- Config file needed to run the pipeline
│   │
│   ├── data                        <- Scripts to download raw data sources
│   │   ├──         <- Raw data download pipeline consisting of each of the below steps
│   │   ├──         
│   │   ├──    
│   │   ├── get_census_data.R       
│   │   ├──            
│   │   └──         
│   │
│   ├── process                     <- Scripts to perform processing operations on GTFS, hospital data, and walksheds
│   │   ├──         <- Processing pipeline consisting of each of the below steps
│   │   ├──         
│   │   ├──    
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──          <- Contains a function to process Flood Risk data from FSF
│   │
│   ├── features                    <- Scripts to turn raw and processed data into features for the web app
│   │   ├──  <- Pipeline to add all features to the stops file
│   │   ├──           
│   │   └──   
│   │
│   └── utils                       <- Some geospatial helper functions used across the pipeline

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience